
Since rampage-php allows a very modular architecture with assets from different modules, you may have to define your require.js modules in order to make them accessible.

Definition via module config

From your module config, you can define require.js modules, packages and bundles. Just add the definition to your config array. You may specify them via asset path or absolute URL.

return [
    'requirejs' => [
        'modules' => [
            'jquery' => '//', // absolute url
            'jquery' => '', // Asset path
            'foo/bar' => '', // Another asset path

        'packages' => [
            'foopack' => '',

        'bundles' => [
            'myapp' => [ 'jquery', 'foo/bar' ],

Definition in view scripts

You can also dynamically define modules, packages and bundles in your view scripts. To do so call teh appropriate helper method. All of these methods provide a fluent interface by returning $this.

<?php // viewscript

    $this->requirejs()->addModule('foo/bar', '');
    $this->requirejs()->addBundle('my.bundle', ['jquery', 'foo/bar']);
    $this->requirejs()->addPackage('foopack', '');

<!-- HTML goes here -->

Defining the require.js location

Sometimes you want to use a different version than the one bundled with rampage php. In this case you can specify the require.js location by passing it as parameter to the requireJs() helper:

<?php echo $this->requireJs($this->resourceUrl('')); ?>

Defining the base url

Mostly this may apply to themes that come with a lot of components. Instead of defining every module, you can set the base url by calling setBaseUrl() on the requireJs() helper in your view scripts.

// Search all undefined modules in the theme's js/ directory


The base url is global and only points to a specific theme. Theme fallbacks will not be visited! You cannot overwrite single require.js modules in the same way as view scripts or resources. You’ll have to define the overwritten module as described in Definition in view scripts.