Module/Component Resources

New in version 1.0.

Some of your modules may need to provide public resources like images, css or js files. To allow bundeling them within your module, rampage offers a resource locator system that will automatically publish them. You don’t need to copy resources manually or make your vendor directory available to the webserver.

Defining Module Resources

Defining module resources is pretty easy. You just need to add them to your zf2 module config:

class Module
    public function getConfig()
        return [
            // ...
            'rampage' => [
                'resources' => [
                    // Minimal, define only the base directory:
                    '' => __DIR__ . '/resources',

                    // More detailed, allows to define additional resource types:
                    'foo.baz' => [
                        'base' => __DIR__ . '/resources',
                        'xml' => __DIR__ . '/resources/xml',

If you’re using the manifest.xml for your modules, you can define them in the resources tag:

<manifest xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ">
                <path scope="" path="resource" />
                <path scope="foo.baz" path="resource" />
                <path scope="foo.baz" type="xml" path="resource/xml" />

Accessing Resources In Views

To access resources in views, you can use the resourceurl helper. The argument passed to this helper is the relative file path prefixed with @ and the scope like this: @scope/file/path.css.

Paths without the @ prefix will be searched in the current theme hierarchy directly. No attempt will be made to find them in a resource location.


<img src="<?php echo $this->resourceUrl('@my.module/images/foo.gif') ?>" />

Addressing Templates

Templates will also be populated by the resource locator. You can address them the same way as resources in view scripts like this: @scope/templatepath.


Paths without the @ prefix will be searched in the theme directly or treated as default zf2 templates if they’re not found in the theme hierarchy.


$viewModel = new ViewModel();

Static Resource Publishing

There is also a way to publish resources to the public directory for static delivery. This is useful for production environments, where performance is important.

There are two ways to do this:

  1. Use The Publishing Controller
  2. Implement/Modify The Publishing Strategy

Use The Publishing Controller

New in version 1.1.1.

The easiest way to do this, is to register the resources controller for publishing.

// module.config.php
return [
    'console' => [
        'router' => [
            'routes' => [
                'publish-resources' => \rampage\core\controllers\ResourcesController::getConsoleRouteConfig(),

You may also pass the route to getConsoleRouteConfig() if you don’t like publish resources as route or create an own route yourself pointing to the publish action of rampage\core\controllers\ResourcesController.


The getConsoleRouteConfig() method is available since 1.1.1, prior that version you have to register the route config on your own.

return [
    'console' => [
        'router' => [
            'routes' => [
                'publish-resources' => [
                    'options' => [
                        'route' => 'publish resources',
                        'defaults' => [
                            'controller' => 'rampage\\core\\controllers\\ResourcesController',
                            'action' => 'publish'

Implement/Modify The Publishing Strategy

The controller uses the service rampage.ResourcePublishingStrategy which must implement rampage\core\resources\PublishingStrategyInterface. By default this interface is implemented by rampage\core\resources\StaticResourcePublishingStrategy.

The default strategy will publish all resources to static/ in the public directory.

Special Controllers/Routes

When implementing an authentication strategy which protects all of your routes from unauthorized access, you should be aware that the resource publishing strategy uses a ZF2 route/controller to publish static resources from your vendor or module directories.

The controller class is rampage\core\controllers\ResourcesController and it is registerd as rampage.cli.resources in the controller manager. The route for this controller is called rampage.core.resources.

If you do not allow this route/controller, public resources from your modules may not be served.